Silvio Berlusconi

Posted by Codeanswer | 2:49 AM | | 0 comments »

1 Berlusconi put himself through college with variety of jobs: selling vacuum cleaners, writing papers for his
classmates (for a fee), and singing on cruise ships.
2 He received a law degree, with honors, from the University of Milan in 1961
3 He then borrowed money from the bank where his father worked and went into real estate development,
setting up the companies Cantieri Riuniti Milanesi in 1962 and Edilnord in 1963.
4 Berlusconi went into television by establishing the cable TV company Telemilano in 1974
5 Set up a holding company Fininvest, in 1978
6 Fininvest's advertising agency was Publitalia.
7 In 1980 he set up the Canale 5 television network.